Seven years ago, a turn of events inspired us to start AVID Risk Solutions, Inc. (AVID). We were inspired by our environment and motivated to make it better. With the support of our families, confidence in each other, and embracing each day with a positive “can do” attitude, we established AVID in under eight weeks. Being inspired, it helped us realize our beliefs and elevated our purpose to make the unattainable, obtainable.
In the early years, we shared an office. It was snug but it worked. A white board hung on the wall and it was filled with names, goals, and objectives. Check marks were placed next to the names of businesses and families that believed in us; new names were added. The phones were always busy and new associates were joining our team. We grew quickly and AVID was launching.
Achievements have come in many forms over the last seven years, but the core principal is the same. Helping others. There are countless stories of businesses and families that AVID has helped since 2012 and we will continue to rise as an organization by lifting others.
Anniversaries are a moment to celebrate success. They also provide an opportunity to reflect on the past twelve months and seek areas of improvement. Change may not be comfortable or easy but it is imperative to success.
We don’t always get it right, but we’re committed to keep trying until we do. The beauty of the whole process is that we’re surrounded by great customers, passionate employees, and supportive partners that leave us inspired, ready to launch, and dedicated to reach future achievements.
Thank you for the past seven years.
-B & B